At the beginning of the month, I launched my Patreon page. This is something that I've wanted to do for the past three years, but never made the time for it. After successfully completing a Kickstarter campaign in 2018, I felt more comfortable with taking the plunge.
People have responded positively so far and it's been very encouraging! Over the next few years, I will be tackling a kaiju webcomic, Taking Back Tokusatsu. Early development on this project began in 2015, so it's been on the back burner for quite some time. As January comes to an end, I'm happy to report that I have completed nine pages already.
The webcomic will be released publicly in July, but you can track my progress by becoming a Patron! Pledge $1/mo and you can view full-color pages as I complete them. I could have upwards of thirty pages finished before I share the comic with the rest of the internet! Don't miss out.
Check out my page today!
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